Consisting of Sophie Lindinger and Marco Kleebauer, Leyya's tale began in 2010 as a small pebble rolling between the soles of shoes on the asphalt of a garage in Eferding, Upper Austria. In the years that followed, a collaborative duo project emerged; with it, uncharted territory for the Austrian music scene: Electropop. Leyya brought something new, something soft and melodic, where vocals collide with hard electro beats, concept and chaos blur, and supposed opposites harmonise. Winning over international audiences with singles 'Superego' (2015) and 'Butter' (2016), the band released their debut album, Spanish Disco, in 2016 and quickly followed up with Sauna in 2018. Touring the world over, celebrating a UK Music Video Award (2018), and countless placements of their music in commercials, trailers and films worldwide (e.g., Netflix, HBO), Marco and Sophie dispersed to experiment in diverse musical directions. Back together, the group look to rebound the success found on their melancholic EP Longest Day of My Life with their upcoming third album.